Have you ever observed your dog behaving weirdly or feeling stressed out? Your dog might be at the verge of having a panic attack, and it can have serious consequences if ignored. Just like human beings, dogs react to stressful situations too.
It is the duty of a dog owner to comfort him and make him cheerful as much as possible during those anxious times. Here we will walk you through the different methods used that can calm an anxious dog.
Let us read to understand dog anxiety and the techniques to control it.
Causes of Anxiety in Dogs:
Just like human beings, dogs also have emotions and feelings. Before you learn about what can you give a dog to calm him down it is important for you to know the different causes of anxiety in dogs. It becomes difficult for the dog owner to understand if the dog is suffering from anxiety as they cannot communicate. That is the reason, and sometimes we might not know when the dog is worrisome or fearful. Some things which are believed to cause anxiety in dogs include strangers, fireworks, thunderstorms, car rides, physical or mental abuse, and a new family member.
It is crucial to understand the cause of anxiety to help a stressed-out dog. If you recognize the stress signals given by your dog, it would be easier for you to understand and treat your anxious dog. One thing that you should keep in mind is every dog has his or her way of showing anxiety, and it is the duty of the dog owner to recognize it and act accordingly to calm him down. Also, if you know of the things that cause stress to your dog, help your dog to get rid of them by following a few easy steps.
How to Calm an Anxious Dog?
You might know several methods to calm your dog down, but have you ever thought what is the best thing to give for anxiety? The following methods will help you understand how to give your dog relief from stress, anxiety, and fear.
1. Calm him by Cuddling:
Contacts and a human touch can work wonders, and it has been proved that human touch can help your pup feel comfortable, wanted and unfearful. You may try cuddling your dog to help him understand that you are there for him no matter what the situation be. This would make him feel better and comfort him.
Research proves that when a dog is away from the much-needed human touch, he feels unwanted and the anxiety levels are likely to increase. Cuddling and petting your dog can be good ways to keep him calmer and take some of his anxiety away.
2. Try out some exercises:
Some observe that anxiety leads to some energy which is sometimes difficult to control. Humans are suggested to practice exercises to get rid of stress and anxiety. Dogs are no exception to this rule. You can take your dog for a walk or a run. Playing in the park or making friends with other dogs can also work as a stress reliever for your dog.
The physical activity will tire your dog out, and he might feel calmer when he comes back home after indulging himself in some running around. Another reason for trying out exercises is it keeps him diverted as he engages himself into some hard work and running around. It is recommended to consult a vet before trying out physical exercises for your dog.
3. Be Patient and Calm:
It is essential for you to be patient and calm while dealing with your dog’s anxiety. Dogs can sense human emotions and activities pretty well. They understand if something is wrong with his owner. So, instead of stressing yourself out and showing your worries, it is better to deal with the situation calmly.
If you want to help your dog so it can come out of this anxious condition, it is important for you to take some deep breaths and show good and positive behavior. Adding some positivity will help control the situation and your dog will start reacting in a more positive way.
4. Fix an appointment with the Vet:
If you find your dog to be anxious or you cannot relax or calm him down, so pay a visit to your vet. It is prudent to take notes of the times when you have found your dog to be anxious or stressed out and discuss those situations or times with the vet. The vet will be the best person to understand the problems and might help you with solutions.
5. Playing with Chew Toys:
A stressed-out dog can become very destructive. So, to keep your things and belongings safe, provide some chew toys to your dog. If the dog remains engaged with the chew toys, he will remain focused and he won’t destroy the household things.
Although the dog has been trained with manners, however when he is anxious or stressed out, he cannot control his rage and takes it out on whatever comes near him. It is recommended to keep some chew toys around your dog so that whenever he is angry or worried, he can use them to relieve his stress or anger.
6. Find a Comfortable Place for your Dog:
Just like human beings, dogs need a comfortable place where they can unwind themselves. Never treat this as a punishment. Instead, show some affection and treat him with biscuits or something he is fond of and leave him alone at a comfortable place. Allow him some good rest. When your dog is at peace, he might feel relaxed and calmer.
Now that you can understand anxiety is very harmful as it can alter the normal way your dog reacts or behaves. Just like human beings, dogs also feel worried and angry. As a dog owner, you should take the lead and deal with the situation with patience to overcome the stressful situation.