Stressful and tiring days are normal especially to students and for those who have a job. Going home weary dealing with the sad ambiance is indeed a heavy burden. That said, having something to bear with, to hug, and to play with can be a great help.
Best friends are blessings, and dogs as well. A dog can be one of your best buddies since it has a genuine love for its owner.
If you are planning to get a dog, then that’s great. But what dog breed should you get? Still undecided? If yes, then read on. Below, you will see some of the best dogs for apartment living where you can choose from.
Top 15 Best Dogs For Apartment Living
1. Bichon Frise
If you’re living in a place that doesn’t have a huge space, then consider getting a Bichon Frise. This is a cute and adorable dog that has a doll face.
Further, this dog has white fur and a black nose and black eyes. Bichon is a happy dog and people may love it for being playful. Also, it is intelligent and easy to train.
If you’re looking for a sweet dog, then a Bichon Frise can be a great option. But, though this dog gives comfort naturally it easily breaks by scolding him/her.
2. Yorkshire Terrier
Are you looking for a glamorous dog? Try this Yorkshire dog. It may catch attention wherever it goes and is very loving to the family that takes care of it.
3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Sports are the best way to relieve us from all the stresses. It becomes even better if spaniel dogs. These dogs are actually known for being sporty. But even though they are sporty, most of the time they want to stay indoors. Also, they love sitting on the lap.
4. Coton de Tulear
If you want a dog that will never leave you wherever you go, then Coton de Tulear is the best option. Most people commend this dog for being witty and friendly. It may even help you relax your mind and put a smile on your face.
5. Toy Fox Terrier
Sometimes, people need a clever dog friend to make home the happiest place for every family member, and this where toy fox terrier comes into play. It is a very loyal dog that can sense the one who takes care of him. Also, it doesn’t want to get separated from its owner.
6. French Bulldog
This dog is known for being tranquil. What’s more, it does not bark that much. The only drawback of this dog is that they tend to have separation anxiety when they are left behind for too long.
7. Great Dane
It is a big, bright dog. But regardless of its big size, a Great Dane is sweet and gentle to people, especially to children. Kids would love to play with this harmless creature.
8. Basenji
Basenji is a peaceful and silent dog, making it ideal for those who don’t want a loud dog. Another good thing about this dog is that it will clean itself to become more adorable. Remember that, it is a very curious dog. Thus, make sure to keep it safe and secure all the time.
9. Chihuahua
For a place that does not have wide space, this dog is quite easy to bring. Chihuahuas are known for being yappy. However, they can be better when they undergo training. By the way, these little creatures have a sassy personality.
10. Cardigan Welsh Corgis
Because of this cute size dog, you can easily make friends with your neighbors. Cardigan Welsh Corgis is very sociable. In fact, it also loves to run around the hallway but doesn’t want to play in backyards due to its small legs.
11. American Eskimo Dogs
This dog can be trained with ease, thus, you’re certain that you will never have headaches taking care of it. However, you should be aware that this dog needs to go and play in the park.
12. Havanese
This dog has a very soft coat and it is small in size, making it embrace a not-so-wide space easily.
13. Pugs
Like people, pugs also love food. They can stay in your apartment comfortably as long as there is food served.
14. Pomeranian
Are you looking for an active and funny partner? Go get a Pomeranian and surely you will never regret it. It is smart and they love showing up to their owner.
15. Dachshunds
We all wish to have puppies, a forever puppy, and a dog that is behaving. Dachshund is an example of a dog that seems to very behave. It is small and basically made for apartment living.
Why Choose Dogs as a Pet?
They are Children’s Defender. A movie or real-life situation shows that dogs can be a superhero to kids. There is a specific dog that can detect dangerous allergens, which proves that they are able to protect people from illness. Bullying is one of the common problems for children and dogs can definitely put them away from involving it.
They Help Mitigate Mental Illness. Outdoor games will lessen the problems and thinking but it is best when dogs are in. A dog can play better and give comfort to its owner.
Dogs can Give Laughter and Real Happiness. By doing simple acts and moves, dogs can make their owner happy. In this world, not everyone will make you happy as genuine as the dogs can. They cannot speak, but they can tell you the sweetest thing by showing some actions like cuddling.
Help you stay fit and healthy. A dog needs exercise and so you are. Doing physical activities with your dogs can also help you to maintain your healthy body. It does give you refreshments and relaxations.
They Can Be A True Friend. People can sometimes fool you, but dogs can’t do that. As long as you feed them, play with them and make them part of your family, you will surely have a big part in their hearts.
Tips on how to make your dogs comfortable in apartment living
1. Research about its breed
When choosing a dog to live in an apartment, the size doesn’t matter. There are tiny dogs that bark a lot that do not fit in a small place. There are also giant dogs that don’t make loud barks. Thus, having an idea about the breed that only suits for an apartment is very important.
2. Give your dog space
Dogs love playing with toys, they want a bed to sleep on and a small place where they can find themselves comfortable. You should also provide them what they need, a small place. If they have their own territory, it may lessen the possibility for them to run around the apartment and chew things they see. But do not forget to put bowls with water and food.
3. Take your dog regularly in vet
If people do need regular check-ups, then dogs need it as well. Going to vet regularly can give your dog a healthy and happy life. Let them have their vaccines and parasite injections.
4. Provide time to play with your dog
Dogs aren’t born just to make you happy. As the owner, you must have a quality time with them. When we say quality time, you need to play and have fun with them. They can be sweeter and healthier if we let them participate in activities.
5. Find a friend puppy for your dog
Two is better than one and if you can’t have two dogs, then find another puppy to play with your dog. Surely, your neighbors have their own puppy too, and it makes sense if you ask them if your dog and their pets can be friends.
6. Train your dog
Obviously, you don’t want to be a burden for someone else especially to our neighbors so as the owner, you need to train your dog. Barking so loud is one of the shameful moments that we may distract neighbors. But, if you train your dog properly, it is less likely to happen.
Sometimes we need a friend that can’t talk literally but can tell you the most honest things. Further, living in an apartment can be so boring if there is no cute creature that can make you laugh. Dogs are advantageous pets that worth keeping. Though the apartment may seem so small, there are no complaints coming from these lovely creations.
Life will be better if you follow the suggestions stated above. As time passes by, dogs are not just your pets to play with, to exercise with and to relax with, but they become the best friend that you needed in our lives.
People often leave you and may hurt you but dogs can’t do that simply because they love humans. They are designed to be someone’s partner and can be defined as real-life heroes.